Create your own straw hat In this 2 session 4 hour class you will learn all the procedures for creating your own straw hat from scratch.
In the first session Lisa will discuss basic blocking techniques and how to work with straw. Together we will work out a design in your size that works with your face shape and coloring. You will be shown how to create a hat and block your own design using a vintage wooden hat block.
In the second session we will focus on finishing techniques, trimming, and style decisions. You will leave at the end of the second session with your own handmade and beautiful straw hat.
Cost with materials $400 per person
While we are on lock down we will be postponing in-person classes and only doing it as an online class. The online class is available as a single or group class. As this class requires a materials kit, we are in the process of sorting it out with our manufacturers, but will soon have links available for supplies. If you would like to schedule this class as group class or single class please contact us. If you would like to schedule this class as an in person in the future after lock down end you may also do that now.
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